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Our Mission - To connect the people of Berrien County to the information and resources they need for emotional wellness, thereby preventing suicide.

What is the Berrien County Suicide Prevention Coalition (BCSPC)?


In December 2012, twenty-two concerned citizens met over lunch to discuss the need for suicide prevention in Berrien County and what could be done.


Since that time, the involvement of many primary interest groups in the community such as Riverwood, Lakeland HealthCare, Berrien County Health Department, Berrien RESA, and others has been gained.


As of the summer of 2014, the group officially became an advisory committee of Berrien County Mental Health Authority (Riverwood) and can receive tax-deductible contributions.


Meetings are open to the public. They are normally held virtually on the third Thursday of the month from noon to 1 pm.


Why is Suicide Prevention Important?


  • Prevention occurs at all levels of society—from the individual, family, and community levels to the broader social environment

  • Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. (homicide is 16th)

  • Suicide takes the lives of nearly 40,000 Americans every year

  • An average of one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds worldwide

  • For young people 15-24 years old, suicide is the second leading cause of death

  • It is estimated there are 8 to 25 suicide attempts to each completed suicide


Source: CDC, AAS


There is Hope. Did You Know . . .


Suicide can be prevented through education and public awareness 

Research has shown medications and therapy to be effective suicide prevention

80% of people that seek treatment for depression are treated successfully




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A special thanks to the following organizations who gave large donations to the Coalition during the past year:


  • JR Automation

  • Four Winds Casino

  • Southwest Michigan Association of Realtors 

© 2019 Berrien Cares

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