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Preventing Suicide in Michigan Men

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Preventing Suicide in Michigan Men (PRiSMM) is a 5-year CDC grant-funded program aimed at reducing suicide in men ages 25 and older. To achieve this goal, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) implemented a comprehensive, multi-sector partnership and action plan that targets the male population in the state.

The statewide PRiSMM initiative is working to reduce the number of suicide deaths and attempts among men ages 25 and older by at least 10 percent by 2024. From 2014–2018, more than 6,700 Michiganders lost their lives to suicide. Two-thirds of the suicide deaths in Michigan were adult men.

Based on CDC recommendations, the University of Michigan Evaluation Team in collaboration with PRISMM leadership, PRISMM partner project leads, and other community partners, developed a survey to take inventory of the suicide prevention programs that were available in local communities. The goal was to identify prevention strengths, gaps and opportunities, and assess the degree of implementation of CDC Suicide Prevention Technical Package strategies throughout the state of Michigan.

The report from the PRiSMM Community Scan for 2021, is now available. The results from this report will be used to inform program goals, objectives, and resource allocation. Fifty-six out of eighty-three Michigan counties (67.5%) are represented in these results. This survey will be repeated in year 3 (2023) and year 5 (2025) of the PRiSMM project to measure project impact.

If you have questions about PRiSMM or the Community Scan, you can reach out to PRiSMM’s project coordinator, Dr. Kristen Smith, at

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