Generous Gift from JR Automation
The Coalition recently received a generous donation from JR Automation, a company in Stevensville. The gift of $7,547.25 came from an annual company fundraising project. The employees raised money which was matched by the company and then the employees voted on who the money should be given to. This year they chose the Berrien County Suicide Prevention Coalition. Pictured below is the presentation at Riverwood on Febraury 21, by Peggy Frantz from JR Automation to Trent Watford representing the Coalition .

To get more information about how to make a donation to the Coalition, visit our Donation Page
Coalition in the News
On April 13, the Herald Palladium ran a front page story about the Coalition's April 12 presentation to the Berrien County Board of Health. The presentation was part of the Coalition's efforts to gain support for the sustainability of the Coalition. In case you missed the story in the newspaper, here is a link to view a PDF of the story.
Michigan Behavioral Health Crisis System Update
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), in partnership with stakeholders across the state, is in the process of developing a crisis services system for all Michiganders. They envision a day when everyone across our state has someone to
call, someone to respond, and a safe place to go for crisis care. They recently released a report with an update on their work. It includes information about the following topics:
988 Implementation
Crisis Stabilization Units
Adult Mobile Crisis Intervention Services
MI-SMART (Medical Clearance Protocol)
Psychiatric Bed Treatment Registry
Crisis Response Training Program
Intensive Crisis Stabilization Services for Children
2022 Michigan Suicide Prevention Commission Annual Report
In March 2020, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer established a commision to work on suicide prevention in Michigan. The commission was charged to work with state departments, nonprofit organizations and universities to research the causes and possible underlying factors of suicide in the state. They publish an annual report with their findings and reccomendations. They recenlty released their 2022 report which you can view using the link below.
The Commission meets on the 3rd Friday of every month in Room 205 at the Washington Square Building (109 W. Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933) starting at 10:30 AM. You can also attend virtually. Here is information on how to join the virtual meeting.
Click here to join the meeting, Meeting ID: 230 065 585 273, Passcode: AqF6GW
Or call in (audio only), +1 248-509-0316,457641636# Phone Conference ID: 457 641 636#